Seasonal Allergies for Seniors

In Home Health Care

Seasonal Allergies for Seniors

Seasonal allergies tend to strain the body. They cause runny nose, sore throat, itchy eyes, and fatigue are some of the resulting symptoms. In order to help seniors, deal with their allergies there are a few that can help lessen pollen exposure.

  1. Avoid outdoor areas with lots of grass, trees, and foliage.
  2. Shower or bathe after coming in from outside, and wash hands and change clothes after handling animals.
  3. Keep windows closed at night to prevent pollens and molds from drifting inside.
  4. When riding in cars, keep windows closed.
  5. To keep indoor air clean, use an air conditioner and dehumidifier.
  6. Use a clothes dryer instead of an outdoor clothesline where pollens can collect in damp clothes.

These are just some of the few things that can help seniors deal with their allergies and make them more bearable.
